Subtask pipeline

  • This documentation will guide the researcher through the process of creating a new subtask pipeline.
  • Currently in BRAINCoGS data from our well known "VR Towers Task" is stored in the DB.
  • New behavior paradigms include new variables that are not included on our original design:
  • Context task
  • Doorstop task
  • Movie/Stationary task
  • This results on having only a subset of entire data stored on the DB.
  • The subtask pipeline was created to solve this issue. Its goal is to store specific subtask variables in a different subset of tables in the DB.

What does the “subtask” pipeline include:

  • Minimum data framework to store in a DB all relevant data from "VR Towers Task" variants.
  • Behavior integration. Training system will include the subtask as an option to be selected for a behavior session.


  • In order to create a new manipulation it’s assumed that:
  • The researcher is able to connect to DB
  • Latest version of u19_pipeline_matlab repository.

Initial set-up

  • Connect to database connect_datajoint00
  • Create new subtask base code (substitute subtask_name with the real name of the subtask: create_new_subtask_classes('(subtask_name)')
  • This will create table codes templates for subtask : (Subtask)Session.m, (Subtask)Block.m & (Subtask)Trial.m on the U19-pipeline-matlab/schemas/+behavior_subtask directory:
  • (We will use “Twolickspouts” subtask for this example).

Table description

  • Throughout the table description chapter we are going to give an example of an already working subtask pipeline. (Twolicksspouts).

task.Subtask table

  • This table registers all subtasks being created with this pipeline.

acquisition.SessionSubtask table

  • This table stores subtask register for a specific behavior session. This table “links” a Task.subtask table with acquisition.Sesison table.

"Subtask" Session table

  • The Session table stores related information for the entire session (review acquisition.Session for a related example).

"Subtask" Block table

  • The Block table stores related information for each block of the session (review behavior.TowersBlock for a related example).

"Subtask" BlockTrial table

  • The BlockTrial table stores related information for each trial of the session (review behavior.TowersBlockTrial for a related example).

Adding code to "Subtask" tables

  • For each subtask you can add all needed variables from the behavior file to the "Subtask" tables.
  • Example for “Twolickspouts” subtask

TwolickspoutsSession table code

# Session level data for a twolickspouts subtask session
-> acquisition.Session

classdef TwolickspoutsSession < dj.Imported
  • There is no extra field to add at session level, no code added to the file.

TwolickspoutsBlock table code

# Block level data for a twolickspouts subtask session
-> behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsSession
-> acquisition.SessionBlock
sublevel                  : int                           # sublevel for the block
trial_params              : blob                          # maze features of current block

%%%% fill here read corresponding TestSubtask data for each block
tuple.sublevel = block_data.sublevel;
tuple.trial_params = block_data.trialParams;
  • In this example two fields were added to TwolickspoutsBlock table: (sublevel & trial_params)
  • Two things are needed:
  1. Adding them to the table definition (1st part of the code block)
  2. Add how this fields are being set from block_data variable: (search for fill here section on the code). block_data has all block data from behavior file.

TwolickspoutsBlockTrial table code

 # Trial level data for a twolickspouts subtask session
 -> behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsBlock
 -> acquisition.SessionBlockTrial
 licks                        : tinyblob                      # all iterations with lick detected and side
 trial_difficult_type         : varchar(16)                   # trial type label (easy, medium, difficult, etc)
 forced_automatic_reward=null : tinyint                       # 1 if reward was forced for trial 0 otherwise
 %%%% fill here read corresponding Twolickspouts data for each trial
 trial_data.licks = curr_trial.licks;
 if isfield(curr_trial, 'forced_automatic_reward')
   trial_data.forced_automatic_reward = curr_trial.forced_automatic_reward;
   trial_data.forced_automatic_reward = NaN;
 if isfield(curr_trial, 'trialDifficultyType')
   trial_data.trial_difficult_type = curr_trial.trialDifficultyType;  
   trial_data.trial_difficult_type = '';
  • In this example three fields were added to TwolickspoutsBlockTrial table: (licks & trial_difficult_type, forced_automatic_reward)
  • Two things are needed:
  1. Adding them to the table definition (1st part of the code block)
  2. Add how this fields are being set from trial_data variable: (search for fill here section on the code). trial_data has all trial data from behavior file.

Create tables

  • After all code has been written on "Subtask"Session, "Subtask"Block & "Subtas"BlockTrial codebase it is needed to actually create the tables in the DB.
  • Execute: create_new_subtask_tables('(subtask_name)')

Training with new subtask

  • After all code for new sbutask has been set up and tables have been created the researcher will be able to select a specific subtask that will be associated with the schedule for a given animal. Subsequent behavior sessions will correspond to that selection.

Fetching Data

  • After training has occurred all relevant data will be accessible in the corresponding tables on the behavior_subtask DB.
  • Datajoint fetch guide
  • Example to fetch all Twolickspouts data for a single session:
key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T01', 'session_date', '2022-12-27')
fetch(behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsSession * behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsBlock ...
* behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsBlockTrial & key, '*')

ans = 

  5×1 struct array with fields:
