Database Access
First steps
- Fill the next Datajoint host access form
- Fill the next PNI account form
- Clone repostiory:
- For Python:
Mount file server volumes
There are several xxxxxxxxxxx data files (behavior, imaging & electrophysiology) that are referenced in the database
To access these files you should mount PNI file server volumes on your system.
There are three main file servers across PNI where data is stored (braininit, Bezos & u19_dj)
On windows systems
- From Windows Explorer, select "Map Network Drive" and enter:
(for braininit)\\\Bezos-center\
(for Bezos)\\\u19_dj\
(for u19_dj)
- Authenticate with your NetID and PU password (NOT your PNI password, which may be different). When prompted for your username, enter PRINCETON\netid (note that PRINCETON can be upper or lower case) where netid is your PU NetID.
On OS X systems
- Select "Go->Connect to Server..." from Finder and enter:
(for braininit)smb://
(for Bezos)smb://
(for u19_dj)
- Authenticate with your NetID and PU password (NOT your PNI password, which may be different).
On Linux systems
- Follow extra steps depicted in this: link
DB Access for Python repository
Click to expand details
Install an integrated development environment
DataJoint development and use can be done with a plain text editor in the terminal. However, an integrated development environment (IDE) can improve your experience. Several IDEs are available.
In this setup example, we will use Microsoft's Visual Studio Code. Installation instructions here.
Install the Jupyter extension for VS Code.
Install a virtual environment
A virtual environment allows you to install the packages required for a specific project within an isolated environment on your computer.
It is highly recommended to create a virtual environment to run the workflow.
Conda and virtualenv are virtual environment managers and you can use either option. Below are the commands for Conda.
If you are setting up the pipeline on your local machine follow the instructions below for Conda. If you are using
, Conda is preinstalled and you can access it by runningmodule load anacondapy/2021.11
.We will install Miniconda which is a minimal installer for conda.
Select the Miniconda installer link for your operating system and follow the instructions.
You may need to add the Miniconda directory to the PATH environment variable
First locate the Miniconda directory
Then modify and run the following command
export PATH="<absolute-path-to-miniconda-directory>/bin:$PATH"
Create a new conda environment
Type the following command into a terminal window
conda create -n <environment_name> python=<version>
Example command to create a conda environment
conda create -n <environment_name> python=3.9
Activate the conda environment
conda activate <environment_name>
Other installs
- Git: Linux and Mac operating systems have Git preinstalled. If running in Windows get Git.
- Graphviz: To display DataJoint Diagrams, install graphviz.
- Clone the U19-pipeline_python repository
First time configuration
- The following instructions will configure DJ and connect to DB.
conda activate <environment_name>
cd U19-pipeline_python
pip install -e .
(Username and password will be prompted at this moment: Princeton NETiD & NetiD password usually works)
- The
script will store a local file with credtentials to access DB and configuration variables/filepaths. - Now that the virtual modules are created to access the tables in the database, you can query and fetch from the database.
Connection after configuration
- The following instructions will load DJ configuration and connect to DB
conda activate <environment_name>
from scripts.conf_file_finding import try_find_conf_file
import datajoint as dj
DB Access for MATLAB repository
Click to expand details
- Install DataJoint for MATLAB
- Utilize MATLAB built-in GUI i.e. Top Ribbon -> Add-Ons -> Get Add-Ons
- Search, select, and install DataJoint
- Clone the U19-pipeline-matlab repository
First time configuration
- Add this repository to MATLAB Path or cd to this repository folder.
- Run
- Insert user and password for the DB
Note if you are configuring repository on a public computer, there are two options:
- Run
instead, to not store user & pass in configuration file. - Run
and login to the DB with a public user like u19tech.
Connection after configuration
- Add this repository to MATLAB Path or cd to this repository folder.
DB Access for MATLAB repository (cluster computing)
Click to expand details
- Clone the U19-pipeline-matlab repository
- Create a directory on same location named
- Change directory to
and clone the following repositories:
First time configuration
- Add this repository to MATLAB Path
- Run
- Run
- Insert user and password for the DB
Note if you are configuring repository on a public computer, there are two options:
- Run
instead, to not store user & pass in configuration file. - Run
and login to the DB with a public user like u19tech.
Connection after configuration
- Add this repository to MATLAB Path
- Run
Add researcher to user table
- This set of instructions only apply for users that will have subjects on his/her supervision:
Add researcher to user table with MATLAB
- Connect to DB
- Run
lab.utils.add_researcher_user_table('NETID', 'full name', 'email', 'phone')
- Note: (All data in function call should be written inside quotes)
Add researcher to user table with PYTHON
- Activate conda environment and start a python command line
import u19_pipeline.utils.insert_miscelaneous_db as imd
imd.add_researcher_user_table('NETID', 'full name', 'email', 'phone')
- Note: (All data in function call should be written inside quotes)