Database Organization

  • The next sections will describe all DBs on the BRAINCoGS host ( DBs are subdivided in these categories:
  1. Lab & subject DBs
  2. Behavior DBs
  3. Ephys & Imaging DBs

Lab & Subject DBs

1. u19_lab

  • Stores all general information that apply for entire BRAINCoGS projects. Aditionally general information for researchers are stored here.

Main tables

  • User Stores general information for all researchers and technicians in BRAINCoGS. Being registered in this table is a requirement to add subjects in your behalf Check here for more information. Important fields include, user_id (NETID), active_gui_user & slack_webhook URLS for users (for notifications). Check set slack alerts for more info.
  • Location All systems associated with rigs, recordings & technician use. All behavior sessions are associated with one of the systems recorded here, each recording (ephys/imaging) is associated with a system recorded here. Check here for more information. Important fields include, user_id (NETID), active_gui_user & slack_webhook (for notifications). Check Configure systems section for more info.
  • Path Paths for the cup drives in BRAINCoGS. Paths are divided by OS and local or network system types.
  • AcquisitionType All possible acquisitions modalities in BRAINCoGS. (Each location in Path is associated with one modality as well). Modalities include: behavior, electrophysiology, 2photon, mesoscope, etc).
  • DjCustomVariables Configuration variables for datajoint, mainly paths for special directories. This table is used in the background when DB access configuration is set for a system is made. Check DB Access section
  • DjStores External storage path locations on the network drives (cup) for several Datajoint tables. This table is used in the background when DB access configuration is set for a system is made. Check DB Access section
  • InsertionDevice Device types for insertion in subjects. (From ephys electrodes, to optogenetic cannula). Paired with u19_action.SurgeryLocation table.
  • SlackWebhooks Slack webhooks URLs for general notifications. Check set slack alerts for more info.

2. u19_subject

  • Stores all general information for subjects (mice) registered for experiments.

Main tables

  • Subject Stores general information for all subjects in BRAINCoGS. Being registered in this table is a requirement to train and perform behavior sessions.
  • LickometerMotorPosition Stores ml, ap, & dv motor coordinates for a subject in a rig with positioning motor installed. Check Set up motor positioning subsection for more information.
  • CagingStatus Subject-Cage relationship storage.
  • HealthStatus Daily health assesment for subject. Fields like normal_behavior, posture_grooming, technician_comments etc.
  • Allele All subjects' genotypes in BRAINCoGS.
  • Cage Cage list for subjects.

Behavior DBs

1. u19_acquisition:

  • Stores all reference and general information of behavior sessions. Other tables in this DB also stores reference to blocks, trials, manipulation and subtasks of a behavior session.

Main tables

  • SessionStarted Reference to all sessions that are started with training GUI. Path to behavior file ia located here.
  • Session Basic information (performance, experiment code used, etc.) for a behavior session. Record written after training is finished
  • SessionBlock Basic reference to all blocks from all behavior sessions.
  • SessionBlockTrial Basic reference to all trials from all behavior sessions.
  • SessionManipulation Reference to which manipulation (if any) was performed for a behavior session. Check manipulation pipeline section for more information.
  • SessioSubtask Reference to which subtask (if any) was performed for a behavior session. Check subtask pipeline section for more information.
  • SessionVideo Reference to video adquisition if performed while behavior session. Check Pupillometry Pipeline Guide for more information.

2. u19_action:

  • Stores daily, recurrent and specific actions performed to subjects.

Main tables

  • Weighing Records daily weight of subjects. Written by weighingGUI used by technicians.
  • WaterAdministration Records daily water administration to subjects. Earned water written at the end of training. Supplement water Written by weighingGUI used by technicians.
  • Surgery Records from surgeries performed to subjects. Written by Ephys/Imaging automation pipeline section
  • SurgeryLocation Records device locations implanted to subjects from surgeries (eg. NeuroPixel probes). . Written by Ephys/Imaging automation pipeline section
  • DaiyPositionData For subjects with automatic motor positioning on rig, stores daily ml,ap & dv coordinates. If cameras are present on rig a lateral and tops reference images are also stored.

3. u19_behavior:

  • Stores detailed data for behavior sessions. DB built to support Towers Task data but stores data from all behavior sessions.

Main tables

  • TowersBlock Specific block data from behavior sessions. (level, main_level, block_performance, etc).
  • TowersBlockTrial Specific trial data from behavior sessions. (towers positions, trial_type, choice, position, velocity etc).
  • SpatialTimeBlobs Efficient time, position, velocity storage (per session and not by trial). Check get_full_trial_data with SpatialTimeBlobs to know how to use this.
  • Towers Session/Subject ** Psych Group of tables with Psychometric Curves parameters per session, block_type (main, guiding), subject, etc. Check Using psychometric data to know how to use this. Check BRAINCoGS Data viewer to check psychometric curves.

4. u19_behavior_subtask:

5. u19_optogenetics

Main tables

  • OptogeneticSession Reference to a behavior session that is also an optogenetic session. Stores which protocol and software parameter set were used fot the session.
  • OptogeneticSessionTrial Stores specific optogenetic data on a trial by trial basis.
  • OptogeneticSoftwareParameters MATLAB Structure with parameters to be used during the behavior session specific for a subset of optogenetic sessions.
  • OptogeneticProtocol Describes metadata that will be associated with optogenetic sessions. (e.g. laser wavelength, stimulation frequency, etc.)

6. u19_thermal

7. u19_puffs

  • Air puff task sessions specific data.

Main tables

  • PuffsSession Reference to a behavior session that is also a puff session.
  • PuffsSessionTrial Stores specific puffs data on a trial by trial basis.

Ephys/Imaging DBs

1. u19_recording:

  • Stores all reference to any recording (ephys & imaging) performed on BRAINCoGS. Check Automation pipeline section for more information.

Main tables

  • Recording Reference to all recordings. Stores information like location, status_recording & recording directory on the network drives.
  • RecordingBehaviorSessions Relationship between recordings and behavior sessions. (recording_id <-> session_key (subject, date, #)
  • RecordingRecordingSession Relationship between recordings and subject/date. Used when no behavior is attached to recording.
  • Modality List of all possible modalities supported by the automation pipeline.

2. u19_recording_process:

  • Stores all reference to all processing jobs for ephys & imaging on the automation pipeline. Almost all information in this table is shown in the Automation pipeline GUI .

Main tables

  • Processing Reference to all processing jobs. For ephys it has a one to one relationship with recording probes. For imaging it has a one to one relationship with Field of View. Stores status_processing, raw_path (recording_process_pre_path), processed_path (recording_process_post_path) for each of these "fragments" of recording.
  • ProcessingEphysParams Relationship between jobs & which ephys processing parameters were used for that job.
  • ProcessingImagingParams Relationship between jobs & which imaging processing parameters were used for that job.
  • LogStatus Stores all status change for processing jobs and corresponding messages & exceptions if applicable.

3. u19_ephys_pipeline:

  • Basic reference to recordings and behavior synchronization data.

Main tables

  • EphysPipelineSession List of recording_ids that correspond with ephys recordings.
  • BehaviorSync Synchronization data between ephys recording and behavior session. trial_index_nidq & iteration_index_nidq are trial and iteration # for each sample on the electrophysiology data.

4. u19_pipeline_ephys_element:

  • Datajoint element array electrophysiology DB. Database schema is designed to store all data from an ephys recording and subsequent kilosort processing. More info: Datajoint element array electrophysiology docs. For BRAINCoGS ephys_precluster schema was used.

Main tables

  • ClusteringParamSet Table that contains a list of parameter dictionaries/structures used for sorting process.
  • PreClusterparamSet Table that contains a list of parameter dictionaries/structures used for preprocessing steps.
  • PreClusterparamSteps Table that contains lists of lists of preCluster param Sets that form a preprocessing sequence for recordings. preprocessing steps. (e.g. catgt)
  • CuratedClusteringUnit Main data for all the units found in sorting process. (spike_times, cluster_quality_label, etc.)
  • LFPElectrode LFP data for each of the electrodes in recording.
  • WaveformSetWaveform All waveforms from a unit captured by each electrode in recording.
  • ProbeInsertion Records which probe was used for the corresponding recording-insertion_number pair. Check 5. u19_pipeline_probe_element.

5. u19_pipeline_probe_element:

  • Datajoint element array electrophysiology DB for probes. Database schema is designed to store probes and electorde configurations used in recordings. More info: Datajoint element array electrophysiology docs. For BRAINCoGS ephys_precluster schema was used.

Main tables

  • Probe Table that contains all physicial probes used in recordings.
  • ProbeTypElectrode Table that contains coordinates, shank# and id for each electrode in a probe.

6. u19_imaging_pipeline:

  • Reference to all imaging recordings and subsequent fields of view (FOV) identification and splitting for processing.

Main tables

  • ImagingPipelineSession List of recording_ids that correspond with imaging recordings.
  • TiffSplit Identified fields of view for a single recording (regularly 2photon = 1 FOV, mesoscope = 3 FOV). Each FOV is processed separately.
  • AcquiredTiff TIFF file header metadata for each FOV.
  • SyncImagingBehavior Synchronization data between imaging recording and behavior session. sync_behav_%%_by_im_frame = Correspoding behavior block, trial and iteration for each imaging frame. sync_im_frame_span_by_behav_%% = Fist and last imaging frame for each behavior block, trial and iteration.

7. u19_pipeline_imaging_element:

  • Datajoint element calcium imaging DB. Database schema is designed to store all data from an imaging recording and subsequent segmentation process. More info: Datajoint element calcium imaging docs.

Main tables

  • ProcessingParamSet Table that contains a list of parameter dictionaries/structures used for segmentation process.
  • ActivityTrace Activity trace signals for all masks identified in segmentation process.
  • FluorescenceTrace Fluorescence trace signals for all masks identified in segmentation process.
  • MaskClassificationMaskType Mask types (soma, blob, doughnut, etc) and confidence for each mask identified in segmentation process.
  • MotionCorrection(non)RigidMotionCorrection Motion correction details (shifts, outlier_frames, etc) performed durinc processing.
  • MotionCorrectionSummary Summary (average, correlation, max_proj) images for each field and channel after motion correction.

8. u19_pipeline_scan_element:

Main tables

  • ScanInfo Similar to u19_imaging_pipeline.Acquiredtiff. General data and metadata from scans.
  • ScanInfoField Data specific to each of the fields of the scan.
  • ScanInfoScanFile All files that are part of a scan.

9. u19_pupillometry:

  • Stores all thing related to pupillometry recordings. From reference to behavior sessions to final results. Check Pupillometry Pipeline Guide for more information.

Main tables

  • PupillometrySession Reference to behavior session that had pupillometry acquisition.
  • PupillometryModels Training models ready to use for processing pupillometry data.
  • PupillometrySyncBehavior Time correspondence between each trial-iteration in behavior file and each video frame.
  • PupillometrySyncBehavior Time correspondence between each trial-iteration in behavior file and each video frame.
  • PupillometrySessionModel Reference to which model was used to process a behavior session (More than one model can be used to process data from a session).
  • PupillometrySessionModelData Status of pupillometry processing and final result storage.