Configure custom slack alerts

Set up custom slack alerts

  1. Follow Database Access with Python instructions
  2. On U19_pipeline_python repository open u19_pipeline/alert_system/custom_alerts directory
  3. Create a new python file with a meaningful name for the alert: (e.g.
  4. Copy skeleton code from u19_pipeline/alert_system/
  • All slack alert code has two parts: a slack channel configuration and a main function described on the next section:

main function guide

  • This function should return a pandas DataFrame where each row will be a slack alert message on configured channels.
  • You can use datajoint to get data for the alert (e.g. custom_alerts/ or simply call os scripts (e.g. custom_alerts/
  • All columns of the dataframe will be included in the alert. (Don't add too many !!)
  • Dataframe Example with slack notification message:
  • You can check examples of some alers in the u19_pipeline/alert_system/custom_alerts directory

Slack channel dictionary configuration

  • The slack channel configuration is a dictionary to link corresponding slack channels and conversations with an specific alert.

  • The dictionary has two keys: 'slack_notification_channel' and 'slack_users_channel'

  • slack_notification_channel General channels names to send notifications.

  • slack_users_channel Private direct message to send notificatons.

  • You can add a list of channels to each of the keys:

  • slack_notification_channel Any webhook_name (see next section)

  • slack_users_channel Any user_id with configured slack_weebhook (see next section)

Check available notification channels:

  1. Execute fetch(lab.SlackWebhooks,'*')
  1. Execute:
  • lab = dj.create_virtual_module('lab', 'u19_lab')
  • lab.SlackWebhooks.fetch(as_dict=True)

Check available user channels:

  1. Execute fetch(lab.User & "slack_webhook <> ''",'slack_webhook')
  1. Execute:
  • lab = dj.create_virtual_module('lab', 'u19_lab')
  • (lab.User & "slack_webhook <> ''").fetch('KEY', 'slack_webhook', as_dict=True)

Create and register new webhooks for alerts:

  1. Create a new slack channel if needed (for notification channels).
  2. Follow instructions to create webhooks from: Slack documentation
  3. Copy slack webhook from slack API web page.

Add notification channels:

new_slack_webhook = struct
new_slack_webhook.webhook_name = (notification channel name)
new_slack_webhook.webhook_url  = (webhook url from slack API)
lab = dj.create_virtual_module('lab', 'u19_lab')
new_slack_webhook = dict()
new_slack_webhook['webhook_name'] = (notification channel name)
new_slack_webhook['webhook_url']  = (webhook url from slack API)

Update user channel webhook notification channels:

user = struct
user.user_id = (NETID of user)
update(lab.User & user,'slack_webhook', (webhook url from slack API))
lab = dj.create_virtual_module('lab', 'u19_lab')
user = dict()
user['user_id'] = (NETID of user)
user['slack_webhook'] = (webhook url from slack API)