U19-pipeline-matlab repo added to MATLAB path Mounted network cup drives (braininit, u19_dj) Go through U19-pipeline-matlab/tutorials/202103/session01_queries_fetches.mlx
to learn basic tips on datajoint. Execute: (change key for desired session) key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T06', 'session_date', '2022-04-20');
[status,data] = lab.utils.read_behavior_file(key)
If successful status = 1
and data = log behavioral file
If you only need to know the path of behavior file use: key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T06', 'session_date', '2022-04-20');
baseDir = fetch1(acquisition.SessionStarted & key, 'new_remote_path_behavior_file');
[bucket_path, local_path] = lab.utils.get_path_from_official_dir(baseDir)
Get trial data (position, velocity, etc) efficiently with DB. New method to retrieve all trial data for multiple sessions faster. Execute: key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T06', 'session_date', '2022-04-20');
Get trial data from joined tables as well (e.g. TowersBlock ): key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T06', 'session_date', '2022-04-20');
get_full_trial_data(key, behavior.TowersBlockTrial * behavior.TowersBlock)
Get data from subtasks as well (e.g. Twolickspouts subtask) key = struct('subject_fullname', 'efonseca_ef114_act114', 'session_date', '2023-01-11');
all_tables = behavior.TowersBlockTrial * behavior.TowersBlock * behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsBlockTrial * behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsBlock
get_full_trial_data(key, all_tables)
To get behavior file like stats (on the trial level) for a single or multiple sessions use this function Stats include, but not limited to: (correct_left, correct_right, cum_correct_trials, performance, goodFraction, numPerMin, numRewardsPerMin, bias
) key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T06', 'session_date', '2022-04-20');
stat_struct = get_stats_from_session(key, "all")
Function to unnest behavior file structure to get a plain trial table (with block data merged). key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T06', 'session_date', '2022-04-20');
data_struct = get_behaviorfile_as_db(key)
Example of how to "translate" a variable from iteration# to trial_time In this case, 1st row of variable licks (iteration#) is translated to lick_times and then added to original trial structure key = struct('subject_fullname', 'efonseca_ef114_act114', 'session_date', '2023-01-11');
trial_data = get_full_trial_data(key, behavior.TowersBlockTrial * behavior_subtask.TwolickspoutsBlockTrial);
licks_time_struct = struct;
for i=1:length(trial_data)
licks_time_struct(i,1).lick_times = get_time_from_iter(trial_data(i).trial_time, trial_data(i).licks(1,:));
trial_data = cat_struct(trial_data, licks_time_struct);
Plot trial by trial framerate of multiple sessions for comparison key = 'subject_fullname like "mioffe%" and session_date > "2022-01-01" and session_date < "2022-01-30"';
Plot mean framerate by level and rig for multiple sessions key = 'subject_fullname like "mioffe%" and session_date > "2022-01-01" and session_date < "2022-12-10"';
Plot mean - max range velocity by session for multiple behavior sessions key = struct('subject_fullname', 'emdiamanti_gps7');
Get default paths for network cup drives for different OS and spock/scotty (bucket) key = struct('subject_fullname', 'testuser_T06', 'session_date', '2022-04-20');
baseDir = fetch1(acquisition.SessionStarted & key, 'new_remote_path_behavior_file');
[bucket_path, local_path] = lab.utils.get_path_from_official_dir(baseDir)
When trying to fetch from a table with external storage and corresponding network cup drive is not mounted: Error using dj.store_plugins.File (line 89)
Directory `/Volumes/u19_dj/external_dj_blobs` not accessible.
Error in dj.internal.ExternalTable (line 52)
self.spec = dj.store_plugins.(storePlugin)(config);
Error using fread
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.
Error in dj.store_plugins.File.download_buffer (line 63)
result = fread(fileID);
Just mount all cup drives and try agian !! key reference more than one session when function was supposed to work for single sessions Error using dj.internal.GeneralRelvar/fetch1 (line 250)
fetch1 can only retrieve a single existing tuple.
Just recreate key to reference a single session.